
The Essentials

I am the slowest cyclist on the bike path. Uphill, I have been outpaced by walkers - but I keep on pedaling. I have a problematic relationship with Spider Solitaire, all forms of reading material (including, but not limited to, classical literature and hardware store flyers) and raw cookie dough. I am convinced that gardening is the most effective form of psychotherapy. Some of my favorite things are: the three days in June when my apple tree is in blossom; reading novels in the bathtub till a layer of ice forms on the cooling water; mashed potatoes with gravy; pumpkin pie with gobs of whipped cream; and that all-turned-to-jelly feeling you get when you’re holding a baby and he lays his little hand on your shoulder as if to say, “I belong with you.”

Other Facts That May Interest

I am a daughter, sister, aunt and friend. I am married to a balding super-hero who is truly the love of my life, and mom to six human beings who grew into unique and fascinating adults while I was still trying to figure out how to raise them right. I am a life-long adherent of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have experience as a grocery clerk, office cleaner, I.T. employee and freelancer, parent and homeschooler, election worker, census taker, English language teacher, poet and author.

Why This Blog?

I believe that wisdom is transmitted best by story-telling. My experiences have not been remarkable - except in the sense that every life is remarkable - but I hope that some of the stories I’ve accumulated over a half-century of ordinary living may provide interest and insight to anyone kind enough to read them.